
HDFS 포트 정리 본문

Computer & Data/Big Data

HDFS 포트 정리

박스님 2021. 9. 26. 14:35

Service Servers Default Ports Used Protocol Description Need End User Access? Configuration Parameters
NameNode WebUI Master Nodes (NameNode and any back-up NameNodes) 50070 HTTP Web UI to look at current status of HDFS, explore file system Yes (Typically admins, Dev/Support teams, as well as extra-cluster users who require webhdfs/hftp access, for example, to use distcp) dfs.http.address
50470 HTTPS Secure HTTP service dfs.https.address
NameNode metadata service 8020/ 9000 IPC File system metadata operations Yes (All clients who directly need to interact with the HDFS) Embedded in URI specified by fs.defaultFS
DataNode All Slave Nodes 50075 HTTP DataNode WebUI to access the status, logs, etc, and file data operations when using webhdfs or hftp Yes (Typically admins, Dev/Support teams, as well as extra-cluster users who require webhdfs/hftp access, for example, to use distcp) dfs.datanode.http.address
50475 HTTPS Secure HTTP service dfs.datanode.https.address
1019 Custom HDFS protocol Data transfer   dfs.datanode.address
50010 Custom HDFS protocol Data transfer   dfs.datanode.address
50020 IPC Metadata operations No dfs.datanode.ipc.address
Secondary NameNode Secondary NameNode and any backup Secondanry NameNode 50090 HTTP Checkpoint for NameNode metadata No dfs.secondary.http.address
Jornal Node Jornal Node RPC server 8485 IPC JournalNode port for RPC server   dfs.journalnode.rpc-address
Jornal Node Jornal Node HTTP server 8480 HTTP The address and the port number the JournalNode HTTP server listens on. If the port is 0 then the server will start on a free port.   dfs.journalnode.http-address
Jornal Node Jornal Node HTTPS Server 8481 HTTPS The address and the port number that the JournalNode HTTPS server listens on. If the port is 0 then the server will start on a free port.  



