
Hair styling and shake 본문

Other Fields/English Writing Practice

Hair styling and shake

박스님 2021. 12. 27. 22:14

Today, I went to gang-nam for styling my hair at lunch time.
I asked her -who is hair designer at shop to style my hair. She has taken care of my style for four years.
After Styling was finished, She said that she will be living the hair shop in January (Next month).
Exactly, I have 20,000 won, the hair shop points left, so I'm not going to go to that hair shop after getting one more styling.

When I got out the hair shop, I went to shake-shack burger at gang-nam.

I ordered a smoky hamburger, a fries and a christmas special chocolate shake.

The shake-shack was from USA. I remember that I went to shake-shack at washington square park about six year ago.
And as far as I know, Gang-nam is first place that shake-shack has launched in korea.

Anyway, The special shake was too sweet for me. There is a sentence that korean often used.

"Back to basic"

The way I see it, original milk shake is best.


사용하고 싶었던 구문

as far as I know
내가 알기로는

the way I see it
내가 보기에는


첨삭 내용

Today, I went to gang-nam for styling my hair at lunch time.
I asked her -who is the assigned hair designer at the shop to style my hair. She has taken care of my style for four years.
After Styling was finished, She said that she will be leaving the hair shop in January (Next month).
Exactly, I have 20,000 won, the hair shop points left, so I'm not going to go to that hair shop after getting one more styling.

When I got out the hair shop, I went to Shake-Shack Burger at Gang-nam.

I ordered a smoky hamburger, a fries and a Christmas special chocolate shake.

The shake-shack was from USA. I remember that I went to shake-shack at Washington square park about six year ago.
And as far as I know, Gang-nam is first place that shake-shack has launched in korea.

Anyway, The special shake was too sweet for me. There is a sentence statement that korean often used.

"Back to basic"

The way I see it, original milk shake is best. 



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