목록Computer & Data/Cloud Platform (18)
# Creating a launch checklist # Launch automation # Deployment Manager # Monitoring # Push-based and pull-based metrics # GCP Stackdriver unifies the tools - monitoring - logging - error reporting - trace - debugger # StackDriver를 통해 AWS 프로젝트 모니터링도 가능
# Capacity Planning Cycle # Persistent disk estimation # Network capacity estimation # Workload estimation * Perfkit Benchmarker --> open source benchmarking tool http://googlecloudplatform.github.io/PerfKitBenchmarker/ PerfKitBenchmarker Copyright © PerfKit Benchmarker Authors 2015-2016 googlecloudplatform.github.io # Optimizing VM cost https://cloud.google.com/compute/pricing#predefined_machin..
# Google's strategy for cloud security is pervasive defense in depth - Google Security ==> VPC Network에서 컨트롤 가능 - Firewall Rule 설정 가능 - VMs에 보안 적용 가능 - API로 Endpoint에 적용 # DDoS - TCP/SSL Proxy - Global Load Balancing - Cloud CDN - Cloud Network Firewall (Cloud Armor) * Google Cloud Next 2018 Youtube https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBgogxgQVM9v0xG0QTFQ5PTbNrj8uGSS- All Sessions | Google Cl..
Business Logic Microservices Design으로 이용됨. # 12-factor development tools and platforms in gcp - cloud shell - cloud source repository - build app engine - deployment manager templates - custom images - metadata server - Instance templates, Managed instance groups, and autoscaling # Scaling - vertical caling - horizontal scaling # Tradeoffs - balance latency - capacity - scalability - cost # Desi..
강사 : Jasen Baker 제목 : Architecting, Design and Process 기존 수업은 구글 상품을 개별로 다루었다면 , 이변 강좌는 전체적인 구글 디자인, 설계를 다룸 강좌가 다시 듣고 싶다면 : https://ko.coursera.org/learn/cloud-infrastructure-design-process? Reliable Cloud Infrastructure: Design and Process | Coursera Learn Reliable Cloud Infrastructure: Design and Process from Google 클라우드. ***NEW! Specialization Completion Challenge, receive Qwiklabs credits va..
# Elastic Data Processing Streaming 데이터 같은 경우는, 시간에 대한 데이터 사이즈 변동이 심함. ==> 필요 컴퓨팅 리소스도 변동이 있음 ==> Elastic 하다고 함 # Pipeline 구성 요소 Source Transform (Filtering) Sink PCollection (Parrallel Collection) 파이프라이에서 움직이는 데이터 # What is Dataflow? Autoscaling data processing pipelines # Apache Beam Dataflow는 Apche Beam을 사용할 수 있는 공간이라고 생각하면 쉬움 # java code samples ParDo ; Parralle Do run() ; Lazy Evaluation --..