목록Other Fields/English Writing Practice (15)
After "Avengers: End game", I think that Spider-man series is most popular movie in marvel. "Spider-Man: No way home" has started at December 2021, in south korea. As soon as the movie had launced I tried to reserve it. But I was failed. Since then, I continued to try to reserve it, and it has finally been succeeded for december 26 tickets. The movie as good as I expected. The movie has both gre..
main character Tom Holland is main character in Spider-Man. talent I believe in my own talent for my dream. ==> I believe in my own abilites for my dream. My talent is that I can solve the problem quickly. performance The software that I was developed has great performance. ==> The software that I was developing has a great performance. worth -ing Bitcoins is worth investing for future. both A a..
Today, I went to gang-nam for styling my hair at lunch time. I asked her -who is hair designer at shop to style my hair. She has taken care of my style for four years. After Styling was finished, She said that she will be living the hair shop in January (Next month). Exactly, I have 20,000 won, the hair shop points left, so I'm not going to go to that hair shop after getting one more styling. Wh..
care I have taken care my better half when I walk near the road. endless Life has endless challenges and goals. behavior When I collaborate with co-workers, I am careful of words and behaviors. loud I am not loud, especially when I speak english on the call. can't stand[take] I can't stand that my work is delayed. rude There are a lot of rude teenagers these days in korea. consideration D.R.Y pr..
1. Write it just one sentence, every week 2. Studying with grammer 3. Summarize any blog posting or book 4. Speak with correct pronunciation
2018.11.18Afternoon, I studied java programming with my friend at caffe, near my home.At that time, we got the plan for december studing subjects. After studying, I went to Guro Digital Complex to meet simon. Before I met simon, I went to Piano Academy and praticed piano. Because I got spare times. At 5:30 p.m., I finally met simon and we ate pizza.While we were at dinner, we talked about our gr..